Sam Drummond Letters 4

The letter refers to House Cricket, Sam played for Macarthur House against Macquarie House the Day Boy House.Sam scored 42 /78 runs. Sam mentions tying knots for camoflage nets . The nets were hung off the side of the building and the boys would knot the rope, each boy given a weekly quota of knots to tie off. It would appear that some boys paid others, in this case Sam to tie their share of knots as Sam mentions he had earned 2/- (KSM Dec 1942 p 31). Reference was made to the Bush Brothers who visited during Assembly. The Bush brothers, an Anglican Society of Brothers who worked mainly in rural areas were annual visitors to the School speaking either in Chapel or Assembly. There is an account of a Cricket match between the Prep and Tudor House won easily by Tudor House as they had two good bowlers. The letter is newsy and Sam was glad to receive a letter from home.

Drummond Correspondance
Accession Number:
22 October 1942
25 cm x 20 cm
paper and ink
Donated by Tana Webb, daughter of Sam Drummond 22 October 2015
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