Burns Family Cemetery 2

Granite obelisk on sandstone plinth. There is a sandstone rondel with evidence remaining of a fence. In loving memory of/ Lieutenant/Robert David Burns/youngest son of/Sir James Burns/who died on the battlefield/at Pozieres/France/on July 10th 1916/Aged 16 yeras/ He fought and died for the Empire. Burns enlisted 13 June 1915 in the 4th Australian Light Horse and left on the "Suevic" for Gallipoli at the end of the month. Transferred to 6th ALH in November. Shipped out of Gallipoli and in March 1916 joined the 14th Australian Machine Gun Company . Promoted to Lieutenant 30 May 1916 he then joined the British Expeditionary Force and was on the Somme in July 1916 where he was reported missing in action presumed dead on the 20th July. In 2010 Robert's remains were identified in a mass grave at Pheasant's Wood near Fromelles France and he was reinterred in the Fromelles Cemetery.